unlimited downloads of The Best stock videos of Black culture

view the world from our lens

Black Stock Footage is a bold social movement. A fusion of creativity, culture, and innovation. Our art is leveling the playing field by amplifying more authentic cultural narratives, dispelling biases, and breathing new life into everyday Black experiences via our stock video platform.

As a collective curator of Black culture, we promise to continue trailblazing with empathy, love, and compassion to make stock content of Black representation more visible, accessible, and equitable for our growing community of video creators like you.

- Imani Lee, Founder & CEO

from culture to content ™

your downloads fuel our mission to bridge the gap between Black representation and creative storytelling for everyone.

how it works

Which creative are you?

  • Black woman stock photo with head wrap | Black Stock Footage | Get unlimited downloads of the best stock videos specialized in Black people & culture

    Freelancers & Content Creators

    Freelance Creatives

    Vloggers & Influencers


  • Hispanic Latina woman stock photo | Black Stock Footage | Get unlimited downloads of the best stock videos specialized in Black people & culture

    Videographers & editors


    In-House Creatives

    Video Editors

  • White man ally for DEI | Black Stock Footage | Get unlimited downloads of the best stock videos specialized in Black people & culture

    Creative Agencies & Media Networks

    Video Production Agencies

    Marketing & Advertising Agencies

    TV, News & Media Networks

  • Black man stock photo | Black Stock Footage | Get unlimited downloads of the best stock videos specialized in Black people & culture

    Organizations & NonProfits

    Small Businesses

    Non-Profits & Government

    Educational Institutions

creative features for creative flow

Unlimited 4K & HD Royalty-Free Stock Footage

Streamline your creative workflow with high-quality stock video clips in HD or 4K available for everyday projects, social media content, commercials, and more.

Community-Driven Authentic Storytelling

Every stock video is part of a larger story, so you’ll have lots of angles, shots, and scenes to choose from. What story are you trying to tell with stock videos of Black people?

Growing Library of Black Representation

When searching, you don’t have to type in the word “Black”. We’re ending the frustrating task of searching for Black folks doing everyday things.

Social Friendly File Sizes

Streamline your content creation workflow with optimized file sizes. Download stock content to your phone for on-the-go content creation.

search Stock Videos By Skin Tones

Black latina videographer holding a camera as a freelance videographer | Black Stock Footage | Get unlimited downloads of the best stock videos specialized in Black people & culture

stock creator program

Black Stock Footage is curating stock videos of global Black experiences from a new lens.

We're a collective of passionate video creators amplifying Black representation in front of and behind the camera.

Are you a video creator looking to monetize your content as stock videos or simply want to help amplify Black culture? Learn how our Stock Creator program can easily fit into your current creative workflow.

  • Create & submit stock videos with a mobile phone or professional camera

  • Submit new or preexisting stock content that’s in demand or related to themes you’re passionate about

  • Get your own unique portfolio and earn commissions every time your content is downloaded or purchased

All backgrounds are welcome to apply.

Release forms are required.

From Culture To Content ™

Black Stock Footage

From Culture To Content ™ Black Stock Footage

Choose your plan

HD Plan


Unlimited downloads

Monthly or Annual Plan


  • Full HD resolution (1920x1080)

  • Royalty-free & color-graded

  • Universal commercial license

  • Social-friendly file sizes

  • Model-released content

  • Human-Made Content

  • Cancel anytime

4K Plan


Unlimited downloads

Monthly or Annual Plan


  • 4K resolution (3840x2160)

  • Royalty-free & color-graded

  • Universal commercial license

  • Social-friendly file sizes

  • Model-released content

  • Human-Made Content

  • Cancel anytime


HD: $10

4K: $25

per clip


  • HD & 4K resolution

  • Royalty-free & color-graded

  • Universal commercial license

  • Social-friendly file sizes

  • Model-released content

  • Free watermarked previews

  • Human-Made Content

Fuel Our mission:

Share your stock content needs

  • I need fresh stock content for projects:

    We got that! Share your content ideas with us, so we can share them with our stock creators. Access the best stock videos of Black people being their authentic selves. Immerse yourself in a cultural ocean of Black experiences. Our ship is sailing and we're inviting you onboard!

  • My client needs this right now:

    We hear you! Share your content pain points with us so we can curate content that reflects your needs! Reduce your client's creative stress with unlimited access to stock videos focused on Black representation. Use Black Stock Footage for full content creation or just to fill in those few shots to make your content pop.

  • I'm frustrated with other stock sites:

    We feel you! Share your frustrations safely with us, so we can implement meaningful change to save you time and money. The stock game is changing, and we're the youngins on the block making waves! Other platforms are cool, but they don't specialize in Black folks like we do!

  • I'm here to support Black culture:

    We are too! Share this good news with your network. Your downloads directly support our mission to bridge the gap between creative storytelling and Black representation. We curate content globally from Black people, cultures, and activities. It's a win-win for everyone!

Black big and tall model who is plus size posing for a photo and video shoot | Black Stock Footage | Get unlimited downloads of the best stock videos specialized in Black people & culture

Black stock footage vision

our vision is to be the best and largest stock video supplier of Black representation.


  • Your subscription or pay-per-clip includes a non-exclusive license for use in any commercial production on platforms worldwide. Please refer to our Terms of Service to review what the Black Stock Footage license includes.

  • Yes, all content is model-released and you can request a copy of the model release by emailing support@blackstockfootage.io

    Send us a link of the specific storyline you're interested in.

  • The Black Stock Footage site specializes in people from Black communities and showcases Black people interacting with people from various cultures.

  • Our network of video contributors predominantly identifies as Black, but we currently have and welcome video contributors from different backgrounds and ethnicities to submit content related to Black representation.

  • All works included in the site’s catalog and any services offered, including footage, illustrations, graphics and photos are protected by copyright and the intellectual property rights of the filmmakers and/or the website. Please refer to our Terms of Service for more details.

  • Please contact us at support@blackstockfootage.io

be bold. be original. be free. be beautiful. be powerful. be cultured. Be human.

be you.